Paver Patterns – Stone Design Ideas for Your Patio in 2019

Paver Patterns – Stone Design Ideas for Your Patio in 2019

Mar 28, 2023

Your backyard has the potential to be a masterpiece for aesthetics or architectural design if you have not laid a patio there. It is a great opportunity to bring natural beauty to your backyard or garden by stone patio paving designs.

Whether you go for a DIY way to construct a patio or hire a contractor or architect along with stonemasons, you have to pass through the design process. Your active participation and your knowledge regarding stone patio pavers and its design pattern can help you dearly in realizing your imagination within your property.

The stone pavers indeed are different in many respects from other paving materials, including precast concrete, bricks, and woods. Thereby, let’s take a unique and scientific approach to learn about natural stone pavers for patio paving in 2019.

Key Considerations While Creating Stone Patio Paver Patterns:

The following are key considerations before going to think over stone paver patterns for patios.


Paving stones come from the natural rocks, which used to bury in the different strata of the crust of Mother Earth. It means humans have no control over their formation process at all. Large rocks cut into desired sizes as stone slabs or tiles passing through a long journey of different processes and be ready to install in your building or landscape as hardscape material.

When stones slabs or tiles cut and turned into the commercial products, it has surfaced at the top, which is a prime concern to create textures on the stones. Stone processing units are giving a touch to stone surfaces as per needs and standards prevailing in the industry.

Thus, different types of stone textures used to born from the stone finish applied artificially by humans and their machines. Otherwise, naturally cut surfaces remain as a natural cleft in the absence of any treatment at all. Therefore, natural clefts have unique texture originating from the rock cutting patterns and machines. Here, natural & rustic matte finish is common.

Apart from the natural cleft, stones used to have the following surface finishes, which are creating different patterns.

  • Polished stone finish with glossy and shiny faces. Beware, you will get a completely smooth, slippery, and slippery surface for sophisticated applications, which is not good for exterior designs.
  • Honed stone finish yields smooth yet dull matte to satin look.
  • Tumble stone finish gives aging effects and resulting in an antique look.
  • Bush hammered stone finish generates deep pockets and ridges to give a rough texture.
  • The sandblasted stone finish provides rough texture and slip-resistant surfaces for outdoor applications.
  • Flamed stone finish ends into a rough, porous, and rustic texture.
  • The mushroom stone finish provides embossing effects on the surface.
  • The leather stone finish resembles a leather piece ready to use in the market.

If you are interested in details of the stone texture, please read our blog: 10 Types of Natural Stone Finishes for Different Applications


Stones have natural colors means you cannot get exactly whatever you want. However, unique colors and hues due to various natural processes made stone unique and nearly impossible to simulate the same tones and mixing of hues of colors in manufactured products.

Usually, the following colors and their hues are found in natural stones.

  • Yellow | Sand | Beige
  • Tan | Brown | Red
  • Terra cotta | Violet | Green
  • Pink | Gray | Charcoal
  • Blue | Black

However, we must pay attention to achieve desired effects or matching or contrasting a theme running exterior as well as often interior too. Light colors reflect the natural or artificial lights and give an illusion of larger spaces than they are. Similarly, darker colors contract spatial feelings for the same space.

Moreover, a color choice also depends on the amount of sunlight you receive on your stone patio. Darker shades are a better choice for the patio receiving a lot of sunlight during the entire day. If your patio has huge trees or building in the way of the Sun route, your color choice may shift from darker shades to lighter shades.

Some designers prefer monotone colors for stone pavers on your patio while many go for multicolored choices. In fact, mono & multi is depending on the patterns of paving designs. Of course, heavy stain prone areas must have darker tones for your stone pavers to save a lot of cleaning and maintenance. Your color choice for patio pavers must not come into replacement, so go wisely and select easily available colors even after years to go.

Some color choices also are depending on the textures of the pavers, and practical examples are the best ways to make the right choices.


Before jump on the paving pattern design, let me clarify the difference between a pattern and layout.
Layout: It could be a pattern, but it mostly refers to an arrangement of pavers with no repeating pattern or motif in the design. Here, you will find a random arrangement of pavers, not in a predefined way.

Pattern: It is a repeating series of units. A unit may contain one flag laid at a half-width offset to another flag above. When a dozen flags grouped in a repeating unit, it becomes a motif. Thus, a unit or motif repeats over-and-over again in the pattern.

Laying Patterns of Stone Pavers for Your Patios:

On the web, you will find an infinite number of design options to lay stone pavers in different patterns. However, the following are traditional patterns most often used in the industry. Let’s learn the terminology along with picturesque examples.

Random “I”

Here, the I-shape pattern becomes visible. Pavers laid in couples forming each arm of capital “I” in the design.

Runner Bond

Stone pavers laid in the rows running in the same direction and parallel to each other.


Rectangular pavers laid in a zigzag pattern. In most the cases, paver designers prefer a 45-degree herringbone pattern, but seldom, 90 degree and customized herringbone patterns found.


Rectangular and square shaped stone pavers laid in the random pattern forming with no visible cues. You have enough room to be creative by applying various geometric pattern options.

Basket Weave

Rectangular stone pavers create block design and simulate how we weave a basket. By alternating color tones, you can bring contemporary flairs.

Modular Paver Patterns for Your Stone Patios:

After quarrying the rocks, stone manufacturers used to cut stones in the predefined shapes and sizes, keeping a model of a pre-planned layout where each piece of stone must fit together without additional cutting. Thereby, the term modular pavers derived from the models of pre-planned layouts.

A modular approach to creating stone pieces helps designers and stonemasons to install pavers quickly and without much hassles on various calculations and modifications. Modular paving patterns usually classified further based on the number of size of stones used in the construction of the pattern or design. For instance, a single piece, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces, and so on.

Let’s take a glimpse at each category of the modular pattern.

1. Piece or Single Size Modular Stone Pavers Patterns

It involves just one/single size of the paver but capable of providing you a lot of options in design. For example, stack bond and offset design patterns.

Stack Bond: Chessboard Layout & A Geometric Design

Offset Design: Traversed Stretcher Bond & Longitudinal Stretcher Bond

2. Piece Modular Paver Patterns

It involves two different sizes of stone pavers with a couple of options, such as

  • When both elements are sharing common dimensions.
  • When both elements are not sharing common dimensions. It becomes a Dutch pattern.

3. Piece Modular Paver Patterns

It involves three different sizes of pavers with tons of options. However, the followings are the most common.

  1. Alternate coursed pattern
  2. Sequential coursed pattern

4. Piece Modular Paver Patterns

It involves four different sizes of stone pavers, and the possibilities of different combinations are infinite.

Modular Paver Patterns

Asymmetrical Shapes & Random Paving Patterns:

Traditional flagstones come in irregular shapes and pose installation challenges, including preparing a viable layout and fitting stones perfectly accordingly. However, it gives a perfect natural look-n-feel.

Paving Border Patterns

Patio borders have capacities to add new dimensions in paver stone laying pattern. Therefore, learning different border patterns may help in your stone patio paver pattern creation.

Soldier Course Border Pattern

It is a highly used pattern. Rectangular stone pavers laid side-by-side to form a border at the edges of the patio. Mostly, border pavers found in contrasting or different colors from the rests of inside patio pavers/stones.

Sailor Course Border Pattern

It is a commonly found border pattern in patio construction. Rectangular stone tiles or pavers laid lengthwise in one or more rows. Designers have ample opportunities to create variations by differing in colors or textures of the pavers.

Inlaid Border Pattern

Apart from the external border, one more border laid inside the patio pattern running parallel to the edge border. It could be solder course style or sailor course style and one or more rows to add more flairs in the paver pattern design.

Banding & Ribboning

Apart from the multiple rows of the border, some bands and ribbons created with the same pavers used in the border make sense in forming patio paving patterns. You must have creative eyes to add more interest to it.

Customized Paver Patterns

If you have enough creativity to come with a completely customized patio paver pattern, you have enough room to mix up different border patterns and tweak the overall patio pattern design.


We have seen the modular paver pattern design approach is excellent against the traditional pattern options. Modular patterns are highly convenient, time-saving, and cost-effective because you select a pattern design and order your stone supplier to provide you a ready to use stone pieces accordingly.

It allows you to take a DIY approach or hire a dependable contractor for your patio paving projects. World of Stones USA is exclusively supplying patio pavers according to your selected pattern designs at cost-effective rates and with exceptional after-sales services. Moreover, they offer consulting services to get the right guidance for your bespoke requirements and ideas.


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