Why Round Stepping Stones Are Ideal for Your Garden

Why Round Stepping Stones Are Ideal for Your Garden

Mar 28, 2023

In private gardens, around the home, or in the backyard, designing a wide walking path is nothing but wastage of the premium land. A narrow path for a single person is the best choice for home gardens of any scale. It is stepping stones making sense here.

The shapes of stepping stones may be irregular flagstone type or regular shapes with square, rectangle, circular, or oval. Undoubtedly, the natural stone material is an excellent selection for your stepping stone installation.

Highly experienced exterior designers and contractors are agreeing with round-shaped stepping stones due to several reasons, and today I am going to discuss the same here.

Round Shape Covers Minimum Land Area

We know the circle has a central point and periphery run around a fixed length of diameter equally in all directions.

round shaperound step

Therefore, a neat circle covers the least area under it compared to square and rectangle shapes in geometry. Moreover, we know the stride of an average person is about 18 inches or one and a half feet. If you want to keep your landscape with minimum coverage from pavers, step stones with standard central distance is an excellent choice. It will save more land for covering in the green pasture or other landscaping purposes.

Round Stepping Stones Are Innocent

My argument seems awful, but makes sense when you hit by a sharp corner’s edge if left a bit open during the installation or installation is above the soil surface type.

round stepping stone innocent

The round shape has no sharp corner at all. So, I consider rounded stepping stones the most innocent design.

Round Stepping Stones Looks Beautiful in Any Design

When you are designing a pattern or style in design a path using stepping stones, the shapes of stones play a vital role.

stepping stone design

Square and rectangular shapes need symmetry in the layout. During installation, it demands special care and used tools to be precise in keeping lines straight. Against these all odds, garden stepping stones offer immense freedom to designers and comfort to the installers.

Keep the central point of round stepping stones into consideration and draw designs even in curves or whatever looks beautiful and useful in your landscape. A round or circle is an organic shape and gives a natural feel compared to other shapes or irregular flagstone.

Round Stepping Stones Offers Quick Installation

If you have passed through hurdles of installing irregularly shaped flagstones, you may know how tough the job is and what much time it consumes. The round shape is almost free from all such obstacles during installation also finishing quickly even compared to square or rectangular shaped stones.

Round shape stepping stones are available in a variety of diameters, which offers the opportunity to be creative in design. You can mix up the different diameters of natural stones for stepping purposes and make your garden dazzling.

Round Stepping Stones Allows Any Material In Between

Landscape designers used to fill up gaps in between the stepping stones as per the design layout and material choice of the landscape.

Therefore, most of the stepping stones in the garden found in grassy landscapes. Some stepping stones beckon you on a journey often use gravels and cobbles to fill up spaces in between.

Round Stepping Stones Are Versatile in Natural Stone Material

Natural stones are available from a variety of types and categories of rocks. Mostly, siliceous stones used in outdoor uses, and a few calcite stone types like limestone and travertine are famous for outdoor applications like stepping stones. Here is a glimpse of highly uses natural stones types for stepping stone purposes.

Granite Round Stepping Stones

Granite Round Stepping

Granite is a sturdy and durable natural stone most suitable for outdoor applications. Silver-gray granite natural stones when carved in round shapes and give bush-hammered finish, it gives excellent non-slip surfaces in your garden stepping stones project.

Sandstone Round Stepping Stones

Sandstone is a durable and appropriate material for exterior applications. It gives no-slip and water resistance surfaces. Sandstone round stepping stones prove strong enough to bear heavy foot traffic and stay against climatic adversities.

Limestone Round Stepping Stones

limestone stepping stone

Limestone is a durable and non-slip material for stepping stones. It is easy to cut into a round shape and beautiful with color, pattern, and texture variations. The availability of limestone is enough and prices are moderate. So, limestone round stepping stones is a popular material.

Slate Stone Round Stepping Stones

stepping stone material in betweeenstepping stone material in betweeen

Slate is the most favorite natural stone types for external applications. Thanks to its slip resistance, weather resistance, and water resistance capabilities, it has got a top position in the market. It is a comparatively cheaper natural stone material with an abundance of supply. So, the majority of hardscape contractors are using it.

Quartzite Round Stepping Stones

quartzite stepping stone

Quartzite is the sturdiest natural stone material out of commercially used natural stones in the market. It is a bit costly, but its durability, color variations, and charms are unbeatable. It provides non-slip surfaces and natural texture with weather resistance properties.


If you think you should have a somewhat high-quality natural stone material for you next round stepping stone project, a reliable and cost-effective supplier is a must requirement. World of Stones, Maryland, USA is an ideal destination to explore a huge inventory. Would you like to place an order online or visit our premises in-person?



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