10 Common Myths of Natural Stones – Let’s Debunk All

10 Common Myths of Natural Stones – Let’s Debunk All

Mar 28, 2023

Stones are a natural product for the construction industry contain inherent natural beauty when appropriate treatments are given. Therefore, the interior and exterior of homes and offices are designing with various kinds of stones. Monuments and public places are rich with a variety of stones as structural as well as decorative elements.

However, natural stones have been in use for thousands of years in human civilization. The charms and attractions of various stones are remaining intact today. With the advent of technologies of manufactured construction material, we have plenty of options available that can mimic the natural stones as well as capable of defeating stone in several aspects.

Manufactured materials such as porcelain, ceramic, and RCC-based products have made the decision process tough for the right choice for construction material across different places. Fortunately, advanced quarrying and stonemason technologies have changed the scenario of the natural stone industry in recent years.

Despite several efforts made by various professional institutions and architectural material associations/bodies, various myths are prevailing in the present market. Myths eventually harm the entire industry and facilitate other material suppliers to take disadvantages of those myths.

I personally feel that such myths or misconceptions developed overtime must be debunked as soon as possible. The same belief has inspired me to write a post today.

10 Common Myths of Natural Stones

1 – Natural Stones Are Only For Affluent Class of People

It is true that natural stones were a pricey affair in the early days, but today it is available adequately in the market at the same price of manufactured materials. Another thing is that stones come in different varieties.

So, the prices are not the same for all. It is due to the availability factor, demand & supply rule, and overhead charges including quarrying, transportations, finishing, and installation.

Consult your stone supplier and compare price tags of stones with artificial material. Check the projected life span of stones against manufactured material. Here, you will realize the actual price of the stones. Natural stones last for several decades and sometimes more than a century if used & maintained well.

Manufactured materials never beat stones in durability or lifespan.

2 – The Availability of Natural Stone Is Restricted

In the early days, we have inadequate transportation facilities on land surfaces as well as sea surfaces. Moreover, the shipping of stones cost dearly. Today, exports of stones are easy and comparatively cheaper. Competitions between exporters and suppliers have made it the cheapest option today.


With the advancements of quarrying technologies and searching tools, new quarries are opening up rapidly and increased the supply of different varieties across the globe.

3 – Natural Stones Are Tough To Maintain

This one is the worst myth and prevents many to choose stones for diverse applications. Many believe that stones are easily stained and tough to remove stains. Unfortunately, it is farther than the truth if you know enough about the stones and their maintenance. For instance,

Stones are chiefly falling into two categories, siliceous and calcareous. Properties of siliceous stones are different from calcareous stone, so their applications and treatments in the maintenance program.

In most cases, spills and stains can easily remove with plain water or washing detergent solutions. We hardly need strong treatments to remove deep stains. If it is so, it is neither costly nor tough.

Regular dirt sweeping and washing schedules keep the beauty of your stones as such for years. Sealing or coating makes stones stain-resistant.

4 – Natural Stones Are Out of Fashion Material

_Fashion Material

Do you know each piece of natural stone is completely unique in itself? Variations in colors, patterns, grains, shapes, and sizes provide enough options to create a stunning design.

The design trends may fade with the pace of time, but stones are timeless. Timeworn effects make stones more beautiful, aesthetics, and natural than ever. Therefore, stones are increasing the value of your property in the long run and offer a decent return in many ways.

Different types of finishing are also offering variations in styles and applications. Costlier stone varieties such as marble, granite, travertine, and so on are never go out of fashion and become a matter of pride for property owners.

5 – Restoration of Natural Stones Is Problematic

Tiles and slabs of natural stones sometimes show cracks or breaks due to various reasons such as falling a weighty substance, earthquake, and intentional or accidental damages.


Usually, damages occur on one or two tiles, or a number of tiles fall in a specific area. Many a time, grouts between the stones damaging and need restoration. If you consult experienced and expert stonemason, they will restore all easily. You need to remove stones on the entire surface and install everything right from scratch.

6 – Natural Stones Are Demanding Extra Precautions

Many stone types are great at heat resistance. You can use granites, sandstones, and travertine like stones as kitchen countertops. Of course, the use of trivets is advisable when landing a hot utensil right from the stove. Otherwise, damages due to the heat of the stove or somewhat heated pots are rare occurrences.

Demanding Extra Precautions

The same applies to the manufactured material, so you don’t need anything extra as precautionary steps to keep your stones beautiful and long-lasting. You can coat or seal the stones with high-quality sealants and save them from various damages while using them or wash them.

7 – Natural Stones Are Unsafe In Adverse Climate

When you apply stones in exterior spaces, weather impacts are great. However, stones are sturdy material made by nature itself so it can withstand scorching heat and extremely cold climates. Some marbles are cool and used the most in high-temperature regions. Slates are exclusively used as roof material in several areas of the world.

If you want non-slippery surfaces using stones, you can change its finishing methods and leave surfaces somewhat coarse. If you need stones waterproof in swimming pool-like areas, a proper selection of stone types and additional coating can work great.

The majority of calcareous stones are porous in built-up and can easily breathe. It means they can pass humidity from mass and retain surfaces dry.

8 – Natural Stones Are Delicate

Various minerals and high pressure under the crust of the earth is forming the rocks or stones. It makes rocks hard and stiff substance. So, how it could be a delicate material?


Delicacy is only possible when you make overtly thin slices of stones as tiles and place those on the wrong spaces such as driveways. Once you follow the standards of stone preparation and finishing, natural stones are the hardest material in the construction industry.

9 – Natural Stones Are Not Wise Investment

Natural stones have some peculiarities that hardly find in any other construction material. For instance, time-worn effects. It augments the look-n-feel of stones over time and increases its aesthetics a lot.

Some fading of colors, changes in surface structure, and wear & tears are easy to mend with a small budget, but returns are great. Stones are increasing the value of the property and make reselling profitable even after a decade or two. Natural beauty only comes with stones, never with manufactured material because mimicking nature is almost impossible for modern technologies.

10 – We Cannot Use Natural Stones Everywhere

If you think of high quality and comparative soft marbles are applicable everywhere in your construction project. It seems an insane idea. For interior and exterior spaces, you have appropriate stone types to apply. Many ancient places and monuments are made entirely from the stones, right from structural framing to wall cladding and in paving/flooring.

Where to Get the Best Natural Stone Material in the USA?

I have seen a huge natural stone pavers inventory for exterior applications at World of Stones company in Maryland, USA. You will have tons of choices for each parameter you think about for your construction project. Highly competitive rates, quick and cost-effective delivery, and thorough consultation are differentiators at World of Stones, USA. Try to take a visit and see the differences.


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