Buy Natural Paving Stones – Win iPhone 11 Pro & 10% Discount Coupon

Buy Natural Paving Stones – Win iPhone 11 Pro & 10% Discount Coupon

Mar 28, 2023

Enter the World of Stones USA photo contest by submitting your photos of projects using our products to Every customer that enters a photo contest will receive a coupon of 10% off for the next order. The coupon could be redeemed at any authorized dealer of World of Stones USA. A lucky participant would be randomly chosen to win a new iPhone 11 Pro model. However, the entries will consider valid only if we receive it by March 31, 2020.

World of Stones USA (WOSU) has declared some lucrative incentives on the eve of holiday season 2019 for a photo contest. If you have bought natural paving stones from World of Stones USA or its authorized distributors in your neighborhood, a great opportunity of winning the iPhone 11 Pro and 10% discount coupon for your next order is awaiting. Let’s grab it by submitting photos of those installed natural stones/ porcelain in your construction projects.

Why A Photo Contest After All?

According to the recent announcement from the World of Stones USA, which is a leading natural stone and Porcelain supplier with an extended distribution network, the photo contest is an exciting opportunity to bridge and foster deep relationships among natural stone dealers and real customers of WOSU.

World of Stones USA has set a prolonged length for the scheme to cover recent buyers. Many natural stone installation projects are accomplished after several months of the purchase. Many contractors, engineers, architects, and decorators/ interior & exterior designers are highly creative and use our natural stone products creatively.

We seldom receive news about astounding applications of our products and prize their creativity among our network. However, creative applications are hardly recognized among the public, and prospective buyers are always striving for killer ideas for their orders.

Thereby, we have designed a scheme to arrange a photo contest to pick out such amazing talent. The winner of the contest will have a matter of pride to be a natural stone/ Porcelain user first and our patron the next. Our discount scheme seems to really pack a punch and a win-win situation for all participants.

Now, are you ready to participate in WOSU natural stone photo contest?

Learn, How You Can Participate in WOSU Natural Stone Photo Contest

It is a quick and dirty process from your end.

  • Take photos of your projects where WOSU products have been installed.
  • Bear in mind that the contest is only for our products like Natural Stones Pavers, Porcelain, and Gear Ceramica paving, not for the concrete pavers at all, as we don’t sell it.
  • Of course, high-resolution photos and multiple photos taken from different angles can work great. It may help us when we are going to obtain paper or photo-print of your outstanding copies.
  • You can send us digital copies of your photos with a bit high resolution at
  • For the sake of confirmation that you are our patrons/customers, we require a copy of the invoice/bill you have received from our authenticated distributor.
  • You have to mention your location details like physical address along with phone number in the email, which is an essentiality for all participants.
  • Contractors must provide us personal details, as well as company details, including Name, Address, Email, & Phone number.
  • Besides these, contractors should take care of duplication of entry as if their clients have uploaded the same location individually.
  • You have done it!

What WOSU Will Do Next?

We will sort the best copies of your creative natural stone utilization ideas and run a random draw to pick up a sole and top winner out of all entries. The winning entry will be liable to receive our top prize! An iPhone 11 Pro!

Of course, we will please every participant by issuing a 10% discount coupon for their next order. The participant can redeem it while buying our stone products from the headquarter of WOSU in Maryland or any authorized distributor in your vicinity across the United States.

Do You Have Idea about Our Variety of Stone Products?

Our prime focus is on natural stone pavers, mostly for exterior applications like

  • Patios | Walkways
  • Driveways | Stepping Stones
  • Swimming Pool Decks & Copping 
  • Façades | Porches
  • Fireplace | Outdoor Kitchen
  • Staircase Components like Treads & Steps
  • Retaining Walls | Pier Caps
  • Pergola & Trims
  • Window Sills & Headers
  • Garden Stone Furniture
  • Fire Features | Water Features | Fountains
  • Garden & Outdoor Sculptures & Monuments
  • A Variety of Stone Planters

Oh! The list is quite long. It means you have more chances to participate in our prolonged photo contest and win an iPhone or at least lucrative discounts for your next order. Hurry up! The contest expires on March 31, 2020.


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World Of Stones USA, PO Box 87299,Montgomery Village, MD


18238 Showalter Road, Hagerstown,Maryland 21742, United States

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST (Monday through Friday)

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