Sunset Buff Sandstone Step | Elegant Sunset Buff Step
Elegant Sunset Buff Steps
Sunset Buff Sandstone Step

Sunset Buff

Surface Finish: Hollowed
Edge Finish: Rock Faced
Rock Faced
Size: 6 Piece Pack ( 48" X 16" )
6 Piece Pack ( 48" X 16" )
*Note : All sizes shown are Nominal

Size Chart

Product Description
  • Sunset Buff steps eliminate the individual needs of treads and risers in the creation of patio steps.
  • The front face is 6” or ½’ thick. So, it gives gradual ups and downs with a smooth ride on the patio steps.
  • It can bear heavy traffic with live & dead loads in gardens and various outdoor places.
  • Sunset Buff, as its name suggests, it represents the scenario of sunset by its buff shades and tone.
  • It has hardly any visible pattern. So, it seems in a consistently plain in appearance at first glance.
  • However, it has natural cleft finishes, gives natural bumps and pits on the surfaces, and keeps its natural beauty intact.
  • Its surface finishes are anti-skid and render it the best choice for exterior applications like patio steps in landscape design where chances of fall are more during rainy days.
  • It is a hard-wearing natural stone and exhibits consistency in both texture and color.
  • It has excellent texture and augments the overall aesthetics of the patio steps in your outdoor landscape design.

Natural stone Patio Steps Inventory at World of Stones USA contains different shades with unique properties & characteristics.

Installation Guidelines